Many of the things I create are not full blown applications that require a complex back end. I have scripts that can turn phonetic text data in orthographic text, others that can predict the endings of 20 different Kovol verb conjugations given a root and others that read Kovol verbs from a .csv file comparing actual data to predicted data in a helpful visual way.
Kovol services is a simple website that houses these different scripts. It doesn't require a database, it doesn't require authentication, you just need to give it a bit of data (usually strings working with language) and get the result.
The same thing can be achieved with the command line, but that's not for everyone. With verb prediction algorithms constantly changing it's also better to house it in a centralized server rather than trying to keep track of who's working with what version.
Kovol services is a simple little wrapper over these works in progress that changes and develops as needs arise