Created: July 29, 2019

Technologies used

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CLAHub aims to assist in the creation of cultural write ups by storing, cross-linking and tagging cultural observations and vernacular language texts. By being able to tag individual culture events to a cultural outline CLAHub becomes a place to gather scattered observations together which can be synthesized into a culture write up.



Tag culture events as belonging to "1-1 Geography & Weather" and they appear under that tag. CLAHub keeps track of how many events are under each category and you can get an overview of reamining areas of study that are lacking in data. When it comes time to summarize a culture and it's cultural themes the tagged events are fully navigable and cross-linked allowing you to explore your data.

Automatic cross referencing

Typing the name of any other culture event in the description of an event results in an automatic cross reference to that event. Want to reference another event? It's as easy as typing it's name - but even better; as your data grows CLAHub will start to link events together without your input!

Multimedia and mobile-friendly

Culture events allow you to upload both images and audio recordings of vernacular texts that can be transcribed. At the end of the day an outsider's cultural observations are always suspect, insider perspective comes from people expressing their own culture in their own language. Vernacular language audio texts are at the heart of CLAHub.

What I learned through this project

  • The Django framework and Python web frameworks in general
  • HTML and CSS
  • HTML templating
  • How useful database ORMs are
  • That tests can become hard to maintain if they are too tightly coupled to implementation
  • Basic (HTTP) Python web app deployment